W dniach 10-11 grudnia 2020 r. odbędzie się 4th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy, organizowana przez Uniwersytet w Newcastle

Konferencja, zatytułowana "Building Resilient Business Models", zaplanowana jest na 10-11 grudnia 2020 r. i odbędzie się za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Organizatorzy przyjmują manuskrypty, których tematyka związana jest z następującymi zagadnieniami:

  • What kind of information do managers require to build a model of resilience that focuses on safety, health and/or inclusion for sustainability?
  • How can analytics enable managers to build a business model of resilience that focuses on safety, health and inclusion for sustainability?
  • Under what conditions and mechanisms the relationship between information, analytics and strategy improve performance with a focus on safety, health and/or inclusion, during situations of crisis for sustainability?
  • What kinds of information related strategy would support the analytics process for building resilience that focuses on safety, health and/or inclusion by both services and manufacturing companies for sustainability?
  • Are there any innovative business models that can enable managers to operationalise findings or interpretations of the data after analytics for solutions that focus on safety, health and/or inclusion for sustainability?
  • How can managers match or differentiate or distinguish between right or wrong information for building right strategy to build their focus on safety, health and/or inclusion for sustainability?
  • Are there any obstacles associated with the use of analytics for building a resilience framework for any kind of business that focuses on safety, health and/or inclusion for sustainability?
  • What are the drivers and barriers for companies to use analytics for building a resilient business model that focuses on safety, health and/or inclusion for sustainability?
  • To include economic/financial impact of Covid on supply-chain contagion
  • Role of financial marketing

Więcej na ten temat znajduje się na stronie internetowej konferencji.

Wybrane artykuły zostaną opublikowane w specjalnych wydaniach następujących czasopism:

  • Journal of Business Research (140 pkt MNiSW) - numer specjalny pt. "Unconventional Sources of Innovation and Sustainability: Opportunities, Challenges, and Dilemmas of Technology"
  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (140 pkt MNiSW)
  • Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal (70 pkt MNiSW)
  • European Journal of International Management (40 pkt MNiSW)
  • Asian Business and Management (70 pkt MNiSW) - numer specjalny pt. "Managing people, markets and businesses in the new India"
  • European Journal of International Management (40 pkt MNiSW) - numer specjalny pt. "The foreign investment decision process in times of digital transformation - A tribute to Yair Aharoni"
  • Corporate Reputation Review (40 pkt MNiSW) - numer specjalny pt. "Place identity/branding, reputation and e-marketing: Solutions during and after global pandemic crisis"
  • Sustainability (70 pkt MNiSW) - numer specjalny pt. "Sustainable Tourism in International Context: Solutions during and after Global Pandemic Crisis"

Artykuły (lub abstrakty) należy składać w terminie do 15 listopada 2020 r. poprzez stronę internetową.