Szanowni Państwo, chciałbym podzielić się z Państwem przykładem młodego Amerykanina, który na potrzeby swoich artykułów naukowych (publikowanych w prestiżowych czasopismach), nie prowadzi własnych badań lecz używa archiwalnych wyników badań wtórnych. W sytuacji trudności w pozyskaniu funduszy na badania (np. grantów NCN) i konieczności publikowania, może warto go w tym zakresie naśladować (niektóre bazy są darmowe i dostępne dla każdego)?

Z poważaniem,

dr M. Staniewski

Prorektor ds nauki


Dear Marcin,

I can share with you a few examples of using secondary archival data. I've found a lot of interest in this route. Some of my papers are in line with how folks in public policy, political science, public  administration, strategy, and economics seek out data and produce research. For example, in the case of a recent publication at “International Business Review” we merged data from the Securities  Data Company, IMF, Compustat, the World Bank, and others. My dissertation chair was a labor economist and so we’ve also found interesting uses of archival sports data to predict issues of human capital and we published these at “Journal of Business Research” and “Human Resource Management Journal”. Most recently, in a paper we had accepted last month to “Small Business Economics” we merged data from  the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, OECD, and the World Bank (these databases are available to anyone and for free).

Most of the secondary archival data spans about 10 years. Of course more recent is better but by the time we get through the rigorous processes and revise and resubmit and so forth it tends to be about 5-7 years old. For example, the HRMJ paper that was just accepted in 2020 is data from ~2001-2012. Hopefully this gives you a few ideas.


Josh Bendickson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Management

B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration

University of Louisiana at Lafayette