dr Bożena Iwanowska
Google Scholar: zobacz profil
Scopus Author ID: zobacz profil
researcher id: zobacz profil
academia edu: zobacz profil
strona domowa: https://www.ehri-project.eu/bundesarchiv-arolsen-archives-0?fbclid=IwAR10rZuHTgGQian2ywWe-L2u2m5TKqH6r38Y990sjoVmEx4pz8JwHe6RFas
Scopus Author ID: zobacz profil
researcher id: zobacz profil
academia edu: zobacz profil
strona domowa: https://www.ehri-project.eu/bundesarchiv-arolsen-archives-0?fbclid=IwAR10rZuHTgGQian2ywWe-L2u2m5TKqH6r38Y990sjoVmEx4pz8JwHe6RFas
Aktywność pozanaukowa
Współpracuję z:- BEIT Polska,
- Żydowskim Instytutem Historycznym,
- Muzeum Żydów Polskich POLIN,
- Stowarzyszeniem Wspólnota Polska,
- Yad Vashem. The World Holocaust Remembrance Center,
- European Holocaust Research Infrastucture,
- International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance,
- Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania.
- Yan Kapranov , Bożena Iwanowska, Bolesław Cieślik, Olena Semenog, Constructing Microstructures in A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (E. Klein), "Acta Humanitatis" 2024, vol. 2, nr. 1, 1-21;
- Bolesław Cieślik, Bożena Iwanowska, Yan Kapranov , Łukasz Karpiński, Dawid Stadniczeńko, Multidisciplinary Assessment of Crisis Resilience in English and Polish Populations: Linguistic, Philosophical, and Economic Perspectives Using WAR, PANDEMIC / WOJNA, PANDEMIA Stimuli, "Academic Journal of Modern Philology" 2024, vol. 22, 1-16;
- Tomasz Wierzchowski, Bożena Iwanowska, Dawid Stadniczeńko, Yan Kapranov , The Deconstruction of Modern Mortality of Death: An Analysis Through Law, War, and Social Philosophy, "Journal of Modern Science" 2024, vol. 60, nr. 6, 928-949;
- Yan Kapranov , Bolesław Cieślik, Bożena Iwanowska, Diacgrobic interpretation of phonological Processes in Vowel andConsonant System…, "Acta Humanitatis" 2023, vol. 1, nr. 1, 1-22;
- Bolesław Cieślik, Bożena Iwanowska, Yan Kapranov , Diachronic Interpretation of Phonological Processes in Vowel and Consonant Systems: Bomhard’s Nostratic Tree Phylogeny for *phaħ- (~ *phǝħ-), "Acta Humanitatis" 2023, vol. 1, nr. 1, 1-22;
- Bożena Iwanowska, Yan Kapranov , Dawid Stadniczeńko, Tomasz Wierzchowski, Legal and Political Science Perspectives on the Analytical Elements of Power Legitimacy: Dimensions and Categories. Preliminary Analysis, "TEKA Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie" 2023, vol. 16, nr. 2, 103-124;
- Yan Kapranov , Tetiana Volodymirovska Tron, Bożena Iwanowska, OPUS corpus toolkit for ensuring intelligent translation (case study of L1 and L2 texts of English-Ukrainian film discourse), "Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology" 2023, vol. 25, nr. 2, 70-80;
- Bolesław Cieślik, Bożena Iwanowska, Yan Kapranov , The Digital Geo-Mapping Database and Platform of Holocaust and Genocide Processes in Europe (1933–1945): Reference to the Resources from Belarus, "Acta Humanitatis" 2023, vol. 1, nr. 2, 1-22;
- Bożena Iwanowska, Basic analytical element of power legitimacy : The idea, "Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne" 2022, vol. 75, nr. 3, 105-115;
- Yan Kapranov , Bożena Iwanowska, COMPUTER PROCESSING OF THE RESULTS FREE ASSOCIATION EXPERIMENT (based on information received from the British and Poles reactions to stimuli with the semantics of resilience), "Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology" 2022, vol. 25, nr. 1, 0-0;
- Bolesław Cieślik, Bożena Iwanowska, Zagłada Żydów w Baranowiczach w relacji świadka i więźnia Grzegorza Bresława, "Kwartalnik Historii Żydów-Jewish History Quarterly" 2022, nr. 1 (281), 209-221;
- Radosław Wiśniewski, Inga Oleksiuk, Bożena Iwanowska, Privacy of European Citizens in the Face of the Development of New Data- Driven Business Models, "Contemporary Economics" 2021, vol. 15, nr. 4, 442-456;
Monografie, skrypty, podręczniki
- Yan Kapranov , Bożena Iwanowska, Bolesław Cieślik, Diachronic interpretation of the nostratic macrofamily. A Comparative Study of Altaic, Afro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Eskimo-Aleut, Indo-European, Kartvelian, and Uralic Proto-Languages, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2024;
- Yan Kapranov , Bożena Iwanowska, Bolesław Cieślik, Principles of Constructing Microstructures in Etymological References. Perspectives on Modelling the Structure of Etymons, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2024;
Rozdziały w pracach zbiorowych
- Bolesław Cieślik, Bożena Iwanowska, White Russia or Belarus? German problems with the name of a certain state (w:) Von der Fachübersetzung zur literarischen Übersetzung, red. Artur Dariusz Kubacki , Piotr Sulikowski, : V&R unipress, 2023;
- Bożena Iwanowska, Yan Kapranov , The role of museums in fostering cultural dialogue and tourism: (Case Study of POLIN Museum and the Potential for Establishing the Museum of Ukrainian Jewish History) (w:) , red. , : , ;